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iPhone 6 Plus Resolution Image for custom keyboard in iOS8

I am confusing about the resolution of image that will use for iPhone 6 Plus.

My App is Keyboard Extension for Custom Keyboard.

I use Background Image for Keyboard.

For iPhone 5 , 5s , background image pixel size is

320px x 216px

640px x 432px for @2x

But for iPhone 6 Plus , i use @3x Resolution.So

960px x 648px

It's because i multiply 320 x 3 = 960

However when i test in iPhone 6 Plus Simulator , Keyboard Background Image is a little blurring and not perfectly.

enter image description here

I am sure that my pics is not blurring.

Is my Calculation for @3x right? or something wrong?


  • I finally found solution for my own question.It's because of Apple's Scale Mode Feature that allow app can run in iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+ with normal resolution.

    My solution is When i add iCon and Launch screen image for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+ , the full HD Retina Display can display.

    iCon Size are :

    1. 87 x 87
    2. 120 x 120
    3. 180 x 180

    For iPhone 6+ Landscape Launch screen image size is : 2208 × 1242

    For iPhone 6+ Portrait Launch screen image size is : 1242 × 2208

    For iPhone 6 Portrait Launch screen image size is : 750 × 1334

    After added above iCons and Launch screen images , my app working with full resolution.