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How to write a batch file to set svn:ignore for a particular directory in every branch of a directory tree?

To explain with an example, the structure of my project is RootDirectory, there are inside it 3 branch directories DirA, DirB and DirC.

Let's say the target folder is bin folder. bin is present directly in dirC, under 1 level in dirB( DirB->Dir BA-> bin) and under two levels in DirA (DirA->DirAA->DirAAA->bin).

Now I have to run a batch script in root directory that should transverse the entire tree, search for bin folders and put svn ignore only on bin folders.

With my current program, I can transverse, but the loop is running for the subfolders of bin also. Thus am unable to stop at bin, go into that and implement svn:ignore.

The requirement in gist:

  1. Outer loop to transverse the entire tree
  2. Inner loop to stop at bin, cd to bin, implement svn ignore, break.
  3. Outer loop continues to next instance of bin.


  • You could recursively call a batch file to achieve this.

    An example batch file called recursive.bat could look like this (note: this is just to get you started, you might have to do extra things to deal with file names and directories with spaces in them and possibly other anomalies...):

    @ECHO OFF 
    IF "%1"=="" (
      SET BATDIR=%~dp0
    ) ELSE (
      SET BATDIR=%1
    ECHO Currently in %CD%
    REM Trick to get current directory name (not path)
    FOR %%* IN (.) DO (
      IF %%~n*==bin (
        REM Currently inside a directory called bin
        ECHO Setting SVN prop for %CD% and exiting recursion...
        REM Insert your SVN ignore command here
        GOTO :EOF
    REM Loop over all subdirectories in this directory 
    FOR /D %%D IN ("*") DO (
      ECHO Recursing into subdir "%%D"
      PUSHD "%%D"
      CALL "%BATDIR%\recursive.bat"

    Invoke it as recursive.bat (no parameters). The current directory trick is copied from Get current folder name by a DOS command?

    By the way, if you happen to use TortoiseSVN then you can instruct it via configuration settings to always ignore bin directories.