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Why composite jsf tag does not call listener on ajax call?

I recently moved some code from a view to a composite jsf tag to make my code cleaner, but just realized that an ajax call is no longer working.

The browser makes the update, and I can see the data displaying, but the method just don't get called a all.

I've the following code as a tag:

 <composite:attribute name="viewBean" type="org.example.view.RegistroMunicipalView" required="true" />

 <saimTags:dataFlag viewBean="#{cc.attrs.viewBean}"/>
  <p:selectOneMenu  styleClass="source_select" value="#{cc.attrs.viewBean}" >
      <f:selectItems value="#{cc.attrs.viewBean.registros}" var="registro" 
      <p:ajax listener="#{cc.attrs.viewBean.registroChanged()}" oncomplete="checkForData()" update="@(.section_content)"/>


This one as the class with the method to be called:

public abstract class RegistroMunicipalView extends MunicipalView {
 private Integer idRegistro;
 public abstract void registroChanged();

And like this the implementation of the tag

<saimTags:displayRegistro viewBean="#{informacionMunicipalView}"/>

Any clue of what could be wrong?


  • It was caused because of a wrong attribute value in the selectOneMenu, it was pointing to the bean instead of the property idRegistro which caused a silent failure, with this change the method is now called correctly.


    <p:selectOneMenu  styleClass="source_select" value="#{cc.attrs.viewBean}" >


    <p:selectOneMenu  styleClass="source_select" value="#{cc.attrs.viewBean.idRegistro}" >