I am developing an Android Wear biking app. I am trying to enable the "Ok Google, Start cycling" into my app. It works perfectly if I say it to the phone, but not to my Moto360. Also in the Android Wear app, I am unable to choose my app as the default for "Start bike ride" Any suggestions?
This is what I have in my manifest, and it is based off of Google's example.
<action android:name="vnd.google.fitness.TRACK" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
<data android:mimeType="vnd.google.fitness.activity/biking"/>
I searched other similar questions but didn't find a result.
Thanks for your help
Providing a Wear app is a requirement for being listed in the available apps to register for a system provided voice intent on Android Wear and appear in the Android Wear application for choosing as the default for that voice action. Per the Adding Voice Capabilities training, you attach the appropriate <intent-filter>
to an activity in your Wear app. One point of note if you aren't ready to provide a full Wear app is this section of the same page:
When users speak the voice action, your app can filter for the intent that is fired to start an activity. If you want to start a service to do something in the background, show an activity as a visual cue and start the service in the activity. Make sure to call finish() when you want to get rid of the visual cue.
In your case, your activity could just display a visual cue that you are launching something (say using a ConfirmationActivity
from the Wearable UI library) and then send a message to your phone app, which would then listen for that message using a WearableListenerService
and start the bike ride on the phone, posting your notification.
Note that a full Wear app with more customization is going to be expected as many apps, such as Runtastic on Android Wear add quite a few more abilities that augment the standard experience. While not out yet, an upcoming release of Android Wear will be adding offline (i.e., without a phone) GPS support for Android Wear watches that have GPS ability (currently only the not yet released Sony Smartwatch 3) and of course those abilities will require a full Android Wear experience and cannot rely on a phone app (although details have not yet been released).