I'm relatively new to Django and RESTful APIs.
I'm writing an Android Application that executes a GET request to my API, which I've set up using Django and Postgresql. I am executing this request asynchronously using the Ion library. I dont think Ion is a problem, because this code works when I try to GET from sample URIs like http://ip.jsontest.com/. My code looks like this.
public class ConnectToBackend {
//Contains public static functions
public static void getAllQuestions(final Context mcontext){
.setCallback(new FutureCallback<JsonObject>() {
public void onCompleted(Exception e, JsonObject result) {
// this is called back onto the ui thread, no Activity.runOnUiThread or Handler.post necessary.
Log.d("ConnectToBackend", "getAllQuestions called");
if (e != null) {
Toast.makeText(mcontext, "Error loading questions " + e.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Log.d("ConnectToBackend", e.toString());
Log.d("connectToBackend", "Received JSON array for getAllQuestions");
Log.d("connectToBackend", "jsonObject is " + result.toString());
As you can see, the URI is bhive.herokuapp.com/api/questions. When I try this in my browser, it returns the JSON string that I expect. However, when I try to get with this code, I expect the same JSON string but instead I get the exception:
java.lang.Exception: Invalid URI
Why is it that my browser returns the expected JSON but when I try this URI like this, it doesn't work? How is my URI different than from a sample URI like http://ip.jsontest.com/, which returns the same thing on my browser? Perhaps I have a conceptual shortfall somewhere.
Your URI is missing a scheme. Try using http://bhive.herokuapp.com/api/questions
instead. The http
is important.