I'm playing around with Swift extensions, and bumped my head against a strange bug, while trying to extend Bool:
typealias Task = ()->()
extension Bool{
func untilFalse(task: Task){
while !self {println(self); task()}
var i = 2
(i < 1).untilFalse{
println("\(i) bottles of beer on the wall, \(i) bottles of beer.")
println("Take one down and pass it around, \(i) bottles of beer on the wall.")
For some reason the loop just goes on and on, even after the boolean
expression has become true
Any ideas of what might be going on?
The issue is that the expression i < 1
will be evaluated once, resulting in false
. It will not be continually re-evaluated. To achieve this you would have to replace it with a function or closure.
If you really want to, you could re-write your code as follows:
typealias Task = ()->()
typealias BooleanExpression = () -> Bool
infix operator *** {}
func *** (b: BooleanExpression, t: Task) {
while !b() { t() }
var i = 2
let exp: BooleanExpression = { i < 1 }
exp *** {
println("\(i) bottles of beer on the wall, \(i) bottles of beer.")
println("Take one down and pass it around, \(i) bottles of beer on the wall.")
But that is pretty darn ugly!