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ruby-on-railsform-helpers Bad arg

I am trying to use the form_for select helper and I am getting an error trying to make a selection of numbers. This is my line:

<%=, options_for_select([ ['0','0'], ['10','10'], ['25','25'] ], {}, {:class => 'form-control'} )) %>

and I am getting this error:

wrong number of arguments (3 for 1..2)

I have tried formatting my syntax a lot of different ways but I am at an impasse. Thank you anyone who knows where I am going wrong with my syntax for the select helper. BTW I was useing this page as a reference:


  • Your closing round bracket for options_for_select is at the wrong place. Try:

    <%=, options_for_select([ ['0','0'], ['10','10'], ['25','25'] ]), {}, {:class => 'form-control'} ) %>

    options_for_select takes 1 or 2 arguments (2nd argument is optional). Because of the misplaced closing bracket, you are passing 3 arguments to it.