I am trying to do some math using the "date" command. But fist i need to turn text input if a date "MM/DD/YY" into something I can work with. In applescript I can do this:
set MyTempTextInfo to "12/12/12"
set MyTempTextInfo to (date MyTempTextInfo) as string
display dialog MyTempTextInfo -- just to confirm another way of my answer
No issues and gives me the answer: "Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at 12:00:00 AM"
If I do this in Xcode cocoa app:
on buttonPresson_(sender)
set MyTempTextInfo to (date "12/12/12") as string
display dialog MyTempTextInfo
end buttonPresson
No issues and gives me the pop-up answer: "Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at 12:00:00 AM"
Now if I try to give it a variable in Xcode cocoa app... no go.
on buttonPresson_(sender)
set MyTempTextInfo to "12/12/12"
set MyTempTextInfo to (date MyTempTextInfo) as string
display dialog MyTempTextInfo
end buttonPresson
* -[AppDelegate buttonPresson:]: Can’t make «script» into type string. (error -1700)
What am I missing. I have tried making MyTempTextInfo as text / string and still errors. Anyone have any idea?
I also found this version has the same error
on buttonPresson_(sender)
set MyTempTextInfo to (date ("12/12/12")) as string
display dialog MyTempTextInfo
end buttonPresson
* -[AppDelegate buttonPresson:]: Can’t make «script» into type string. (error -1700)
I found a working solution for the moment. If I am wrong feel free to let me know.
on buttonPresson_(sender)
set MyTempTextInfo to "12/12/12" as text
set MyTempTextInfo to (current application's date MyTempTextInfo as date) as string
display dialog MyTempTextInfo
end buttonPresson