I am trying to set up a function using helm to navigate a beamer file following the suggestion at : "http://blog.jenkster.com/2013/10/a-tip-for-navigating-clojure-files-in-emacs.html". I tried:
(defun helm-beamer-headlines ()
"Display headlines for the current Beamer file."
(helm-mode t)
(helm :sources '(((name . "Beamer Headlines")
(headline "^\\s\|^\\f")))))
to show only the lines starting with \f and \s (corresponding to sectioning and frame commands), and while the regexp works with emacs regexp search and helm-occur, I get no matches with M-x helm-beamer-headlines
A minimal file that I tried it on is:
\item one
\item two
You probably want "^\\\\s.*\\|^\\\\f.*"
or at least "^\\\\s\\|^\\\\f"
as your regexp. See (elisp) Syntax for Strings
and (elisp) Regexp Backslash
about backslashes in Lisp.
I can't speak to just what you should use for Helm. But as an alternative, this is all you need if you use Icicles:
(defun foo ()
(icicle-search (point-min) (point-max) "^\\\\s.*\\|^\\\\f.*" t))
Then M-x foo TAB
in your beamer buffer. Completion candidates are the lines you want. Navigate among them using C-down
etc. See the doc for Icicles search for more info.