I have the following code that connects to google timezone api and returns a json message from which i would derive if there is an offset or not.
Question: I am using a for loop here and it returns correct message for the iteration 1 and for the next iteration it says
{ "errorMessage" : "The provided API key is invalid.", "status" : "REQUEST_DENIED" }"
Here is my code:
strArtifactoryUrl = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/timezone/json?"
apiKey = "AIzaSyCoJ1l1MkioDqYQNIDn7WsZjKv_inwktYM"
LatLongStr = "40.7142700,-74.0059700~United States###51.5085300,-0.1257400~United Kingdom"
Set session = New NotesSession
latVar = Split(LatLongStr,"###")
ForAll lv In latVar
If CStr(lv) <> "" Then
REM location based on latitude and longitude
strArtifactoryUrl = strArtifactoryUrl + "location=" +StrLeft(CStr(lv),"~")
REM UTC timestamp
Set usD = New NotesDateTime("12/01/2014 00:00:00")
Call usD.Adjustday(3)
strArtifactoryUrl = strArtifactoryUrl + "×tamp=" +CStr(getTimeStamp(usD.Lslocaltime)) &"&key=" & apiKey
c = StrRight(CStr(lv),"~")
Set httpObject = CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
Call httpObject.open("GET", strArtifactoryUrl, False)
Call httpObject.Send()
Print httpObject.responseText
End If
End forall
Function getTimeStamp(dt As Variant) As Long
Dim dtEpoch As New NotesDateTime("1/1/1970 00:00:00")
Dim dtTemp As New NotesDateTime(Now)
dtTemp.LSLocalTime = dt
getTimeStamp = dtTemp.TimeDifference(dtEpoch)
End Function
I used a sample date. My aim is to run this every day notify people 3 days in advance. Appreciate your inputs. You can use the API key to try at your as it a free account.
The problem is: you don't reset the variable strArtifactoryUrl
after the first run, and therefor append another location and another timestamp on every run, rendering the url useless.
Define another variable called strBaseUrl
and form the variable strArtifactoryUrl
from that in the line where you append the location.
This would be the resulting code:
strBaseUrl = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/timezone/json?"
apiKey = "AIzaSyCoJ1l1MkioDqYQNIDn7WsZjKv_inwktYM"
LatLongStr = "40.7142700,-74.0059700~United States###51.5085300,-0.1257400~United Kingdom"
Set session = New NotesSession
latVar = Split(LatLongStr,"###")
ForAll lv In latVar
If CStr(lv) <> "" Then
REM location based on latitude and longitude
strArtifactoryUrl = strBaseUrl + "location=" +StrLeft(CStr(lv),"~")
REM UTC timestamp
Set usD = New NotesDateTime("12/01/2014 00:00:00")
Call usD.Adjustday(3)
strArtifactoryUrl = strArtifactoryUrl + "×tamp=" + _
CStr(getTimeStamp(usD.Lslocaltime)) &"&key=" & apiKey
c = StrRight(CStr(lv),"~")
Set httpObject = CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
Call httpObject.open("GET", strArtifactoryUrl, False)
Call httpObject.Send()
Print httpObject.responseText
End If
End forall