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AngularJS ui-grid render hyperlink

I'm using Angular ui-grid 2.0.12, is it possible to add a hyperlink inside a given cell, or for that matter any type of html code? I've been trying to follow this tip: Add html link in anyone of ng-grid though it doesn't seem to work on ui-grid, probably because ng-grid used to behave differently or because the syntax is different now.


  • Actually, cellTemplate works just the same in ui-grid as it did in ng-grid.

    $scope.gridOptions.columnDefs = [
         { name: 'firstName' },
         { name: 'lastName'},
         { name: 'Hyperlink',
             cellTemplate:'<div>' +
                       '<a href="">Click me</a>' +
                       '</div>' }

    Working demo (open the links in a new tab, because plunker can't handle the awesomeness of SO)