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How I can generate the pdf using AddImageUrl from ABCpdf after the page is loaded complete

I want to add the thumbnail of a web page to pdf document,

I added like this:

    Doc generatedoc = new Doc();
    generatedoc.HtmlOptions.UseScript = true;

    string urlToHtmlPage = "";
    int generatedId = generatedoc.AddImageUrl(urlToHtmlPage);


In url I send two parameters, depending on a parameter in page is added a class for various html tags, for example:

<div class="cssClass <%=param2==true?"secondCssClass":""%>">some html tags</div>


<span class="<%= param2==true?"secondCssClass":"" %>"> some text </span>

Inside the style

<style type="text/css">
        display: none;

pdf is generated ok but secondCssClass is not added to my tags and css is not applying I try to set big time out but also css is not applying

I set time out like this:

generatedoc.HtmlOptions.Timeout = 1000000;


generatedoc.HtmlOptions.OnLoadScript = "(function(){ window.ABCpdf_go = false;
            setTimeout(function(){ window.ABCpdf_go = true; }, 1000000); })();";

or RenderWait() and RenderComplete()

   generatedoc.HtmlOptions.OnLoadScript = @"

but anyway CSS did not apply when I load url in browser css is applying some proposals?


  • Based on your response to the comment that you see the issue even in the browser tells that this is not an ABCPDF issue.

    I think the problem lies in the following:

    <div class="cssClass <%=param2==true?"secondCssClass":""%>">some html tags</div>


    <span class="<%= param2==true?"secondCssClass":"" %>"> some text </span>

    If that code is exactly what you have in your running code, then you will need to make an adjustment those lines:

    1. Accessing URL parameters, you need to use the Request object
    2. URL parameters are text, and your comparison has them as boolean

    Code should be as follows:

    <div class="cssClass <%= Request.QueryString("param2")=="true"?"secondCssClass":"" %>">some html tags</div>


    <span class="<%= Request.QueryString("param2")=="true"?"secondCssClass":"" %>"> some text </span>

    I recommend that you test this in the browser prior to testing it via ABCPDF.