I want to add the thumbnail of a web page to pdf document,
I added like this:
Doc generatedoc = new Doc();
generatedoc.HtmlOptions.UseScript = true;
string urlToHtmlPage = "http://example.com?param1=30¶m2=true";
int generatedId = generatedoc.AddImageUrl(urlToHtmlPage);
In url I send two parameters, depending on a parameter in page is added a class for various html tags, for example:
<div class="cssClass <%=param2==true?"secondCssClass":""%>">some html tags</div>
<span class="<%= param2==true?"secondCssClass":"" %>"> some text </span>
Inside the style
<style type="text/css">
display: none;
pdf is generated ok but secondCssClass is not added to my tags and css is not applying I try to set big time out but also css is not applying
I set time out like this:
generatedoc.HtmlOptions.Timeout = 1000000;
generatedoc.HtmlOptions.OnLoadScript = "(function(){ window.ABCpdf_go = false;
setTimeout(function(){ window.ABCpdf_go = true; }, 1000000); })();";
or RenderWait() and RenderComplete()
generatedoc.HtmlOptions.OnLoadScript = @"
but anyway CSS did not apply when I load url in browser css is applying some proposals?
Based on your response to the comment that you see the issue even in the browser tells that this is not an ABCPDF issue.
I think the problem lies in the following:
<div class="cssClass <%=param2==true?"secondCssClass":""%>">some html tags</div>
<span class="<%= param2==true?"secondCssClass":"" %>"> some text </span>
If that code is exactly what you have in your running code, then you will need to make an adjustment those lines:
Code should be as follows:
<div class="cssClass <%= Request.QueryString("param2")=="true"?"secondCssClass":"" %>">some html tags</div>
<span class="<%= Request.QueryString("param2")=="true"?"secondCssClass":"" %>"> some text </span>
I recommend that you test this in the browser prior to testing it via ABCPDF.