I would like to create a button which allow me to navigate to next data record and show in textbox.
here is my current code which can only show the first record in textbox.
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
cmd.Connection = Conn
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT sendby,enquiry,status FROM Message WHERE recipient LIKE '" & namelbl.Text & "'"
Dim dr As SqlDataReader
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader
If dr.HasRows Then
form.Label2.Text = dr.Item("sendby")
form.Label4.Text = dr.Item("enquiry")
form.Label6.Text = dr.Item("status")
End If
So how can i do to show different row data in textbox?
This should allow you to loop through a DataReader
Do While dr.Read
' Work with items inside loop
If dr.IsClosed = False Then
End If