I'm trying to get the distance between two UIImageView
on my screen, and for that I planned on substracting the center coordinates of the image 2 (movable) from the image 1 (not movable).
For that, I need to be able to get dynamically the coordinates of these images and I'm using something like this :
var centerBoardX = CGRectGetMidX(BlackBoard.frame)
var centerBoardY = CGRectGetMidY(BlackBoard.frame)
var centerRoundX = CGRectGetMidX(round1.frame)
var centerRoundY = CGRectGetMidY(round1.frame)
println(centerBoardX - centerRoundX)
println(centerBoardY - centerRoundY)
But even if I'm moving the image2 all over the screen I always get the same result based on the initial coordinates of both UIImageViews.
What's wrong ? Why do I get only the initial coordinates and not the new ones? Thanks !
OK, so I found what was not right. My UIImageViews are defined by frames, and I was getting the coordinates of the frame, which are always the same. To get the correct coordinates, I needed to get the info from the superview of the object. So the working code is
var centerBoardX = BlackBoard.superview?.center.x
var centerBoardY = BlackBoard.superview?.center.y
var centerRoundX = Round1.superview?.center.x
var centerRoundY = Round1.superview?.center.y
println(centerBoardX! - centerRoundX!)
println(centerBoardY! - centerRoundY!)
And now it's perfectly working !