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PowerShell - Overwriting line written with Write-Host

I'm trying to overwrite a line in PowerShell written with Write-Host (I have a process that's running in a loop and I want to show percentage updated on the screen). What I've tried to do is this:

Write-Host -NoNewline "`rWriting $outputFileName ($i/$fileCount)... $perc%"

but instead of overwriting the line it stays on the same line and appends to it.

what am I missing here?



  • You cannot overwrite a line in a Powershell window. What you can do is blank the window with cls(Clear-Host):

    # loop code
    Write-Host "`rWriting $outputFileName ($i/$fileCount)... $perc%"
    # end loop

    But what you should really be using is Write-Progress, a cmdlet built specifically for this purpose:

    # loop code
    Write-Progress -Activity "Writing $outputFileName" -PercentComplete $perc
    # end loop

    More on Write-Progress here: