I am trying to delete a node from the following XML - Data below is only representative of the acutal data:
<Staff Name="Test1" Date="Date1"/>
<Staff Name="Test2" Date="Date2"/>
My code is as follows:
Sub DeleteRecord(strName as string, strDate as string)
'Load Document
Set xList = xDoc.SelectNodes("//StaffMembers/")
for each xNode in xList
If xNode.Attributes.Length > 0 And xNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("Date").NodeValue = strDate Then
xnode.parentnode.removechild xnode
exit for
End if
next xNode
'Save Document
End Sub
Resulting XML - as you can see, it is not complete:
<Staff Name="Test1" Date="Date1"/>
<Staff Name="Tes
The correct node is selected, but it is only partially deleted. If I open the resulting XML in Notepad, some of the text of the node remains. Can anyone explain this?
I have tried removing each Attribute individually before removing the Element. This suffers from the same problem.
Thanks for the replies. I've managed to narrow the problem down to having a slow network connection. The corruption does not occur when saving to a local folder.