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Jquery toastr onHidden function

I am using jquery toastr. So far everything is great. I can display and close toasts fine. I want to be able to identify each toast uniquely. And use that unique identifier in the onHidden function. Has anyone done this before? Is the better option to call a jquery on close event for the toastr class or div surrounding the closed toast?

    var mes = 'My name is Inigo Montoya.<input type="hidden" id="announcementId" value="1"/>' +
       '<input type="hidden" id="userId" value="'+ userid +'"/> ';

    var mes1 = 'Princess Bride<input type="hidden" id="announcementId2" value="2"/>'+
       '<input type="hidden" id="userId1" value="'+ userid +'"/> ';

    var mes2 = 'Man in Black<input type="hidden" id="announcementId2" value="3"/>'+
       '<input type="hidden" id="userId2" value="'+ userid +'"/> ';

   var mes3 = 'Inconcivable!<input type="hidden" id="announcementId3" value="4"/>'+
       '<input type="hidden" id="userId3" value="'+ userid +'"/> ';

toastr.options = {
  "closeButton": false,
  "debug": false,
  "positionClass": "toast-top-full-width",
  "showDuration": "300",
  "hideDuration": "1000",
  "timeOut": "0",
  "extendedTimeOut": "0",
  "showEasing": "swing",
  "hideEasing": "linear",
  "showMethod": "fadeIn",
  "hideMethod": "fadeOut"

toastr.options.onHidden = function(item) { 
        var val = 1;//$this.find("#announcemntId").val();
        alert("CLOSED " + item); 

toastr.error(mes, "First Toast");
toastr.error(mes1, "Second Toast");
toastr.error(mes2, "Third Toast");
toastr.error(mes3, "Fourth Toast");


  • In case anybody runs across this later here was my solution. Loaded toasts from json. Each toast is inside its own unique div (info, error, warning, succuess) and each has a class assigned to it. I assigned hidden attributes in each message in the toast with values I needed.

        dataType: "json",
        url: '/announcements/getannouncements/userid/' + userid,
        success: function (data) {
            $.each(data, function (i, val) {
                var mes = '<input type="hidden" id="userId" value="' + userid + '"/>' +
                    '<input type="hidden" id="announcementId" value="' + + '"/>' +
                    'Client:  ' + val.client + '</br>' + val.announcement;
                var title = val.title;
                toastr.error(mes, title); //info, success, warning, error
        error: function () {
            alert("Could not get announcments");

    Since closing the toast happens when you click on the div I could capture the div class that was clicked on, find the announcement and user id and preform my logic

    //class could be warning, error, info, success : we only use error
    $(".toast-error").live('click', function () {
        var userId = $(this).find("#userId").val();
        var announcementId = $(this).find("#announcementId").val();
        var url = '/announcements/acknowledge/userid/' + userId + '/announceid/' + announcementId;
        // ajax call to the controller to write the timestamp of the user clicking the toast announcement
            dataType: "json",
            url: url,
            success: function (data) {
                if (data == '1') {
                    alert("Successfully acknowledged");
                else {
                    alert("Data error");
            error: function () {