I'm attempting to use appcmd to set an appSetting in web.config, the value for the appSetting contains a + symbol. When I run appcmd, the appSetting is created, but the + is converted to a space.
the appcmd i'm running:
"C:\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe" set config "Default Web Site" /section:appSettings /+"[key='Test',value='++ ++']"
the appSetting that is created:
<add key="Test" value=" " />
I've tried using %2b instead of + in the appcmd, this didn't work (it was converted to just the 'b' in the appSetting.
Does anybody have any idea how i can get a + symbol included in the appSetting when using appcmd?
Have you tried using the unicode value of + which is %u002b
"C:\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe" set config "Default Web Site" /section:appSettings
You need to add an additional % sign in order to escape the % in the unicode value.
That should result in the Test key having a value of +.