I have a modbus device I am trying to communicate with using an ethernet to RS485 device. I'm not sure whether the device uses modbus ASCII or RTU.
I am trying to format a request to a device with address 1. The command code is 11h. I'm not sure I'm formatting the request properly
Here is the string I am using for ASCII - ":010B000000000C\x0D\x0A"
Here is the hex I'm using for RTU: "\x01\x0B\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0B\xA4"
When I send this command it is echoed back but I'm not getting responses. I've been through the modbus documentation and I think I have the correct byte structure. I'm wondering if I'm encoding it right for ruby?
It turned out my ethernet to RS485 device wasn't capable of the correct timing for modbus. Once I purchased a new unit the ascii strings worked.