Using ReactiveMongo, what would be the canonical way to find a single document using a query, delete this document and finally return it. I am also using the ReactiveMongo plugin for the Playframework. So far, I have come up with the following snippet:
def removeOne(query: JsObject)(implicit collection: JSONCollection): Future[Option[MyModel]] = {
collection.remove(query, firstMatchOnly = true).map(result => result match {
case success if result.ok => ???
case failure => throw new RuntimeException(failure.message)
The key question is a) Does the LastError
contain the single document and b) how can it be transformed to an Option
of MyModel
There is no shortcut for "find and remove" in reactivemongo, like there is for the crud operations etc, but I think you can do it using the db.commands
method and the FindAndModify like this:
val db: DefaultDB = ???
import reactivemongo.core.commands._
query = BSONDocument("something" -> "somevalue"),
modify = Remove
).map(maybeDoc =>[SomeType])
implicitly takes reader that can parse SomeType out of BSON. The result of the operation and then map will be a Future[Option[SomeType]]