I have found this - WooCommerce: Add fees to card based on payment gateway selected nice plugin, but I would need a plugin that I can set up three different fees to customers from different geo zones..
For example. - Slovenia - 4.8% - Serbia - 4.9% ect..
How can I do that? With which plugin? Or is it possible to modify upper plugin to add geo zones for each fee? I am not good at coding, so I do appreciate some help.
@Marin Atanasov - I can't, because this is not tax, it's fee and it's not acceptable for our inspection. I already had that tax created in paypal, but it's not ok, because I have three different webstores, one in OC, one in woocommerce, and one in shopmania. I found one extension for OC that already calculates my fee for slovenian users, so I removed tax (so called fee) for them in paypal, but than the webshop in shopmania targets costumers in ex yugoslavia. But, the OC shop also does not exclude ex yugoslavian costumers, so the fee can be charged twice. The problem is also with the third webshop - woocommerce- where I have now for all costumers set up 3.4% fee, but if the costumer from ex yugoslavia orders than the fee is again charged twice, because I didn't remove it from tax in paypal. I need to find a resolution so the all three webshops have their own extension to calculate the fee, and delete taxes that I already set up in paypal.
If paypal would allow multiple webstores under 1 company name, this would be easy to fix.. but I can not enter my credit card number for all three webstores.. :(
Do you have any idea what to do? I am lost.
Perhaps you can use the built-in taxes? They provide you with the option to specify custom tax rates for countries.
To do this, you would have to: