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DatePicker and TimePicker on DialogPreference

I have a PreferenceFragment that loads preferences by calling addPreferencesFromResource(R.xml.preferences_main);

In side the preferences_main.xml file I have a custom preference called TimePreference which extends DialogPreference. TimePreference contains nothing but a TimePicker (have also tried DatePicker). When displayed the TimePicker is now a different format. Instead of being a spinner, it is the version with EditText views and up/down arrows. The real problem is those arrows are white and the text is white, all on a white background dialog.

If I put a TimePicker on an activity, it is the themed spinner style.

I cannot find out why this only happens on a DialogPreference and not on the activity. Its like it loses all styling.

My base theme is Theme.AppCompat.Light, I have tried a couple others with the same result.

Edit: My minSdkVersion is 11 and the target is 19

Anyone have any ideas?

public class TestPreference extends DialogPreference {

Button btn;
TimePicker tp;

public TestPreference(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(context, attrs);
    // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

protected View onCreateDialogView() {
    tp = new TimePicker(getContext().getApplicationContext());
    return tp;


TimePicker in DialogPreference


  • You are using Application context which does not hold any information about theme/style chose for your application.

    Try changing the initialization of TimePicker as below and see if it works:

    tp = new TimePicker(getContext());

    Moreover, when creating an instance of your TestPreference, pass your activity's reference in its constructor, for example: YourActivity.this.