What am I doing wrong here? I simply want to convert a formatted string to a double and using the TFormatSettings passed in as a parameter to StrToFloat. I get the following exception:
'3,332.1' is not a valid floating point value.
The thousand separator and decimal separator are the expected values (',' and '.') in TFormatSettings.
procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
FS: TFormatSettings;
S: String;
V: double;
FS:= TFormatSettings.Create;
codesite.Send('ThousandSeparator', FS.ThousandSeparator); //correct ','
codesite.Send('DecimalSeparator', FS.DecimalSeparator); //correct '.'
S := '3,332.1';
V := StrToFloat(S, FS);
except on E: Exception do
CodeSite.Send('S', S);
CodeSite.Send('V', V);
What you are doing here is correct, but you stumbled in what it seems a bug(if not a bug at least a not very consistent behaviour) of the TextToFloat(it seems that it ignores ThousandSeparator) internal function of Delphi SysUtils unit(take a look at the Q92265 to follow resolution ) ...
As a workaround you can try removing the group separator, in this way :
StringReplace('3,332.1', ',', '', [rfReplaceAll])