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Linker error when compiling code with libfreenect

I'm trying to compile this code on Ubuntu 12.04 (can't upgrade) as a base for another program I need to do, however, I think I've spent too much time in the PHP/Python world and this error is driving me insane. I've looked everywhere, and found this question on SO with almost the same error, but unfortunately no answers.

I've installed OpenKinect/libfreenect from source per the instructions on this page, also installed libpng1.2 and ran the freenect examples just fine. I've also tried moving the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS around but no luck yet.

Relevant info:

$ make
cc -O3 -I/usr/local/include/libfreenect -c kinect.c
cc -O3 -I/usr/local/include/libfreenect -c image.c
cc -O3 -I/usr/local/include/libfreenect -c buffer.c
cc -O3 -I/usr/local/include/libfreenect -lpng -lfreenect -o kinect-depth-ascii kinect.o image.o buffer.o kinect-depth-ascii.c
/tmp/ccsUHika.o: In function `draw_depth_image':
kinect-depth-ascii.c:(.text+0x131): undefined reference to `Image_get_pixel'
kinect.o: In function `kinect_capture_depth_image':
kinect.c:(.text+0x55): undefined reference to `Image_set_pixel'
kinect.o: In function `kinect_initialize':
kinect.c:(.text+0x15c): undefined reference to `freenect_init'
kinect.c:(.text+0x179): undefined reference to `freenect_select_subdevices'
kinect.c:(.text+0x186): undefined reference to `freenect_num_devices'
kinect.c:(.text+0x1ab): undefined reference to `freenect_open_device'
kinect.c:(.text+0x1e6): undefined reference to `freenect_set_led'
kinect.c:(.text+0x1fb): undefined reference to `freenect_set_depth_callback'
kinect.c:(.text+0x217): undefined reference to `freenect_find_depth_mode'
kinect.c:(.text+0x257): undefined reference to `freenect_set_depth_mode'
kinect.c:(.text+0x264): undefined reference to `freenect_start_depth'
kinect.c:(.text+0x2de): undefined reference to `freenect_shutdown'
kinect.o: In function `kinect_process_events':
kinect.c:(.text+0x3a3): undefined reference to `freenect_process_events'
kinect.o: In function `kinect_shutdown':
kinect.c:(.text+0x3f7): undefined reference to `freenect_stop_depth'
kinect.c:(.text+0x40c): undefined reference to `freenect_set_led'
kinect.c:(.text+0x419): undefined reference to `freenect_close_device'
kinect.c:(.text+0x426): undefined reference to `freenect_shutdown'
image.o: In function `Image_get_png_write_data':
image.c:(.text+0x2b): undefined reference to `png_get_io_ptr'
image.o: In function `Image_write_png_internal':
image.c:(.text+0x119): undefined reference to `png_create_write_struct'
image.c:(.text+0x12d): undefined reference to `png_create_info_struct'
image.c:(.text+0x16d): undefined reference to `png_init_io'
image.c:(.text+0x1be): undefined reference to `png_set_IHDR'
image.c:(.text+0x1d2): undefined reference to `png_write_info'
image.c:(.text+0x260): undefined reference to `png_write_end'
image.c:(.text+0x270): undefined reference to `png_destroy_info_struct'
image.c:(.text+0x285): undefined reference to `png_destroy_write_struct'
image.c:(.text+0x2a8): undefined reference to `png_write_row'
image.c:(.text+0x2e4): undefined reference to `png_set_write_fn'
image.c:(.text+0x2fd): undefined reference to `png_destroy_info_struct'
image.c:(.text+0x30f): undefined reference to `png_destroy_write_struct'
image.c:(.text+0x32d): undefined reference to `png_destroy_write_struct'
image.o: In function `Image_downsample':
image.c:(.text+0x490): undefined reference to `lround'
image.c:(.text+0x4c9): undefined reference to `lround'
collect2: ld devolvió el estado de salida 1
make: *** [kinect-depth-ascii] Error 1

$ cc --version
cc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) 4.6.3
Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Esto es software libre; vea el código para las condiciones de copia.  NO hay

$ ls -l /usr/local/lib/
total 164
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   4096 jul  6 13:36 fakenect
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  64566 jul  6 13:36 libfreenect.a
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     18 jul  6 13:36 ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     20 jul  6 13:36 ->
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  53522 jul  6 13:36
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   9132 jul  6 13:36 libfreenect_sync.a
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     23 jul  6 13:36 ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     25 jul  6 13:36 ->
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  17474 jul  6 13:36
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   4096 jul  6 13:36 pkgconfig
drwxrwsr-x 4 root staff  4096 jun 28 21:14 python2.7

$ ls -l /usr/local/include/libfreenect
total 48
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27024 jul  6 13:35 libfreenect.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  9380 jul  6 13:35 libfreenect.hpp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  3587 jul  6 13:35 libfreenect_registration.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  3995 jul  6 13:35 libfreenect_sync.h

Makefile (the same as the Github repo):

all: kinect-depth-ascii kinect-depth-png

CFLAGS=-O3 -I/usr/local/include/libfreenect
LDFLAGS=-lpng -lfreenect

kinect-depth-ascii: kinect.o image.o buffer.o kinect-depth-ascii.c
    cc $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^

kinect-depth-png: kinect.o image.o buffer.o kinect-depth-png.c
    cc $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^

kinect.o: kinect.h kinect.c
    cc $(CFLAGS) -c kinect.c

image.o: image.h image.c
    cc $(CFLAGS) -c image.c

buffer.o: buffer.h buffer.c
    cc $(CFLAGS) -c buffer.c

    rm -f *.o kinect-depth-ascii kinect-depth-png

Can anyone please shed some light as to what is wrong here? (Additional question: What does the "$^" at the end of kinect-depth-ascii and kinect-depth-png lines do?)

Thank you very much in advance.


  • So, to answer my own question, thanks to Etan Reisner's advice from the comments, I've committed the changes necessary to compile this project, right here:

    The working Makefile is:

    all: kinect-depth-ascii kinect-depth-png
    LDFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include/libfreenect -I/usr/include/libusb-1.0 -I/usr/include/libpng12
    LDLIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -lpng12 -lfreenect
    kinect-depth-ascii: image.o buffer.o kinect.o kinect-depth-ascii.c
        cc $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)
    kinect-depth-png: image.o buffer.o kinect.o kinect-depth-png.c
        cc $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)
    kinect.o: kinect.h kinect.c
        cc $(CFLAGS) -c kinect.c $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)
    image.o: image.h image.c
        cc $(CFLAGS) -c image.c $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)
    buffer.o: buffer.h buffer.c
        cc $(CFLAGS) -c buffer.c $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)
        rm -f *.o kinect-depth-ascii kinect-depth-png

    (It could probably use some cleaning up, but now it works.)