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Using PrivatePub with Angular JS

I'm trying to use PrivatePub within my Angular app. I've a chat and messages are managed by AngularJS, my API behind is running with Rails, in my controller I use the helper to Publish to the channel, my problem is on the client side with the Subscribe. Here is what I try to do:

chat.controller("MessageController", ['$scope','Message','Project', function($scope,Message,Project) {
    //Fetch messages
    Message.query(function(data) {
        $scope.messages = data;

    PrivatePub.subscribe(, function(data, channel) {

I tried to use $apply and $watch around my PrivatePub subscribe, no way to update my scope. My PrivatePub function should be outside Angular but the data it receives should be added to the $scope.I don't what other solution I could try.


  • Ok I found the problem, I was not using $apply correctly, I was basically doing:

    $timeout(function () {
      $scope.$apply(function($scope) {
        PrivatePub.subscribe("/mychannel", function(data, channel) {
    }, 0);

    Instead of:

    $timeout(function () {
       PrivatePub.subscribe("/mychannel", function(data, channel) {
         $scope.$apply(function($scope) {
    }, 0);

    The changes I want to notify to Angular is not the function itself but what happened inside. Just a bad use.