As I understand in order to invite user to be internal tester you need to add them to iTunes connect. So far so good.
My issue is that my iCloud account is already link to another iTunes Connect account ( which I use to publish and manage personal app ) but I also would like to be able to test my company app which is obviously on a different iTunes connect account and I use a different Apple ID to acces it.
The iOS8 testflight app doesn't allow you to switch account.
Do I have to change my iCloud account on my phone in order to access my company internal beta version.
Any body have a better idea?
I've send the invite to my company account but open it on my iPhone link to my personal iCloud Account and it just open Testflight and it work.
Edit 01-10-2014 It seem like this trick doesn't work anymore. Testflight app is now saying that "this tester does not have access to this app"