Just updated PDFNet.framework to 6.2.1 When I edit a doc with text fields in the PDFViewCtrl and then save it with
NSData *pdfData = [pdfViewCtrl.GetDoc SaveToBuf:e_linearized];
all field values get saved except the one that has focus.
Recently (on v6.1.0 or smth) I used to do the following
[pdfViewCtrl setTool:nil];
now there's the toolManager instead of tool property, but it throws exception "pdfViewCtrl Is Nil" when I try to
[toolManager setTool:nil];
How do I fix it so that all fields including focused one are saved ?
You can use
[toolManager changeTool:[PanTool class]];
[toolManager setTool:[[PanTool alloc] initWithPDFViewCtrl:myPDFViewCtrl]];