I would to find if the output of 'ps' command contain the process 'smtpd' The problem is that various busybox need different ps command! some need ' ps x ', other need ' ps w ' and other only the ' ps '
How i can make a universal algorithm that try all 'ps' possibilities ?
for x in foo.readlines():
if x.lower().find('smtpd') != -1:
// SOME SCRIPT STUFF on linex string...
return linex
foo=os.popen('ps w')
for x in foo.readlines():
if x.lower().find('smtpd') != -1:
// SOME SCRIPT STUFF on linex string...
return linex
foo=os.popen('ps x')
for x in foo.readlines():
if x.lower().find('smtpd') != -1:
// SOME SCRIPT STUFF on linex string...
return linex
Check this:
Process list on Linux via Python
/proc is the right place for you to find what you want
import os
pids = [pid for pid in os.listdir('/proc') if pid.isdigit()]
for pid in pids:
cmd = open(os.path.join('/proc', pid, 'cmdline'), 'rb').read()
if cmd.find('smtpd') != -1:
print "PID: %s; Command: %s" % (pid, cmd)
# process has already terminated
except IOError: