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How to setup environment variables with behave (Python BDD framework)?

So our test environments dynamically change depending on the release that we are working on.

For example:

  • for abc release the URL for the test environment would be, for xyz release the URL for the test environment would be and so on so forth.
  • Same thing would be for staging:,, etc..
  • Production is just static URL:

With this being said, I need to specify on which URL I would like my tests to be executed using behave BDD framework for Python.

To be specific Im looking for the equivalent functionality that cucumber has for Ruby using: features/support/env.rb file to define multiple URL (qa, staging, production, etc) so that on the command-line (terminal) I would just say xyz (having qa = feature(the release)

Something like: How can I test different environments (e.g. development|test|production) in Cucumber?


  • Ok, so for this there is a Pull Request (PR #243) to be able to do this in behave's github repo.

    In the meantime as a workaround they suggested me to use os.getenv('variable_name', 'default_value'), and then at the command line I would just say export variable_name='another_value' ; behave

    Please see more detailed on this on our short thread: