I run a ghost blog on openshift, i created with success custom domains for my site and everything works nice, but the subscribe link as some other links in my menu points to my openshift url ghost-nodejs.rhcloud.com
than to my custom domain my-blog.com
After i cloned the git repo on my machine, i opened the config.js
and changed the url: 'http://my-ghost-blog.com',
to my custom domain url: 'http://my-blog.com',
but nothing changes. I also later changed production: {
'url: 'http://'+process.env.OPENSHIFT_APP_DNS,
to my custom domain but that change made my blog not work at all. ( I completely remove the +process.env.OPENSHIFT_APP_DNS part)
Can someone guide me on this?
PS: The git commands i use are git clone ssh//*****
i alter some stuff locally and then i run
git add -A
then git commit -a -m 'alter my app'
and finally git push
Make sure you run the following to set your runtime to production
`rhc set-env NODE_ENV=production --app yourappname'
This will make sure that the changes you made under the production section of your config.js are used.