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eBay Trading API ReviseItemRequest add ShipToLocations

I'm testing a PHP library that uses the eBay Trading XML API to revise an item and add international locations at the item level, the seller is setup as a US seller, this is the type of XML file that my application is sending, this item is under the business industrial category and it's a fixed price item with best offer.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ReviseItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">

However, the listing doesn't get updated, eBay returns a success response, but it looks like it ignores the shipToLocations. However, if I use the web interface, I can setup the ShipToLocations without problems.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ReviseItemResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
  <ItemID>110122614402</ItemID> .....

I've read the documentation on eBay in depth and I can't find a restriction or constraint that says that will ignore this revision.

Any advice? Thanks


  • Well, actually this was a bug on eBay

    You can find more information on eBay developers forum, questions/3635/bug-trading-api-when-shippingttypefreightflat-inte.html#answer-5652

    And after following up for several months with eBay support, just two months ago, the bug was fixed, and I was able to programatically push all listings to support international shipping with the Trading API.

    Hope this helps to someone having the same problem.