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Enable text zoom via Ctrl+Wheel in QPlainTextEdit

The documentation mentions that Ctrl+Wheel key binding for zooming in/out is supported for QPlainTextEdit in both the editing key bindings and the read-only key bindings entries.

This made me assume that this feature is there out of the box. However, when I do Ctrl+Wheel, nothing happens. Is there something in particular that I need to do to turn on that feature?


  • You can do it yourself. I wrote code snippet which can zoom in or out when you press Ctrl and use wheel

    In my case, I use eventFilter

    if(obj == ui->plainTextEdit && event->type() == QEvent::Wheel )
        QWheelEvent *wheel = static_cast<QWheelEvent*>(event);
        if( wheel->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier )
            if(wheel->delta() > 0)

    Or simply make your textEdit readOnly


    Now you have choice: zooming with blocked QPlainTextEdit or zooming when user wants it(without blocking).