I am doing Rails 2.3 to 3.2 upgrade. During this, I have changed lots of things. Now I don't see any HTML in response while opening homepage of the web app. I have verified using after_filter that my controllers do return HTML but Rails does not return that HTML in response code. I tried running app at debug log level but didn't see anything related in logs.
Can someone please help me solve this problem?
Edit: I tried logging at ActionDispacther, ActiveSupport, Rack files but didn't get any clue of what's wrong with server.
Make sure your assets are being served! Something is causing your app to 302, so maybe the routing or the assets are doing that.
I know you might have already seen this, but do a checklist on the followings:
Getting to Rails 3.0
[ ] git checkout -b oh-noes-here-we-goes
[ ] Use the Rails 3.0 upgrade tool RailsCast to overwrite your current application
[ ] Get your Gemfile in order, attempting to load rails console as you go
[ ] Update your ActiveRecord queries to the new syntax
[ ] Loading rails console is a huge deal: Have a {chocolate,whiskey,beers}
[ ] Let's run that test suite. If you're test unit: yay! If you're rspec, upgrade! (probably best to delete spec/helper and rails g rspec:install
[ ] run your javascript tests (hahahahaha omg I know right?!?!!!)
[ ] If your pages load, that means you have a somewhat functioning rails 3.0 application. Commit your changes and get it on heroku for your staff/helpers/friends&family to go to
[ ] Let's talk about Authentication. Don't continue to run acts_as_authenticatable or auth_modules just because its there. My recommendation: replace with devise and send your users a link to reset their password. This is controversial, as your users will know something's up… but: something IS up, you're not as secure as you need to be
[ ] Update your mailers to the new syntax (and add tests to cover this case)
Getting to Rails 3.2
[ ] upgrade your gem file to 3.2.13
[ ] Add these gems to your Gemfile under a new "assets group"
[ ] Move your public/images to app/assets/images
[ ] Move your public/stylesheets to app/assets/stylesheets
[ ] Move your public/javascripts to app/assets/javascripts
[ ] Go through your stylesheets and look for urls(); if local, replace with image-url() (Sass)
[ ] Remove any layouts that individually call stylesheets and javascripts
[ ] See if your pages start to break open and swallow you whole
[ ] Remove jQuery
[ ] move your JavaScript libs (underscore, etc) to vendor/assets
[ ] build your application.scss and application.js --- don't put code in these files, just require other files (or load the entire tree)
[ ] find the problems when you're loading every CSS and JS on every page --- it's very common and you might need to change your application to be nicer
[ ] Use RailsDiff to identify additional required configuration changes
[ ] commit and push to heroku. do a little dance if it loads. ask for feedback
Someone else had another issue and used the Rails gem upgrade:
How to upgrade Rails app from 2.3.5 to 3.2.x?
If all else failed, checkout rbates: