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Python: Error while pushing sensor data with raspberry pi to xively TypeError: __init__()

i try to read data with a raspberry pi from my ds18b20 temperature sensor and push them to xively.

Execution of some prerequisites and the python file in the console:

sudo modprobe w1-gpio && sudo modprobe w1_therm
source .envs/venv/bin/activate
FEED_ID=244127069 API_KEY=Nqeje SENSOR_ID=28-00000539324e python

After this, there's the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 59, in <module>
  File "", line 42, in run
    feed = api.feeds.get(FEED_ID)
  File "/home/pi/xively_tutorial/.envs/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/xively/", line 266, in get
    feed = self._coerce_feed(data)
  File "/home/pi/xively_tutorial/.envs/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/xively/", line 289, in _coerce_feed
    feed = Feed(**feed_data)
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'email'

How can i solve this error? It's funny, but on another Raspberry Pi it is working...

Here's my code (

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import xively
import subprocess
import time
import datetime
import requests

FEED_ID = os.environ["FEED_ID"]
API_KEY = os.environ["API_KEY"]
SENSOR_ID_PRE = os.environ["SENSOR_ID"]

# initialize api client
api = xively.XivelyAPIClient(API_KEY)

# function to read the temperature from ds18b20 temperature sensor on i2c 
def read_temperature():
   tempfile = open("/sys/bus/w1/devices/"+SENSOR_ID_PRE+"/w1_slave")
   thetext =
   tempdata = thetext.split("\n")[1].split(" ")[9]
   temperature = float(tempdata[2:])
   temperature = temperature / 1000
   return temperature

# function to return a datastream object. This either creates a new datastream,
# or returns an existing one
def get_datastream(feed):
    datastream = feed.datastreams.get("PiTemperature"+SENSOR_ID)
    return datastream
    datastream = feed.datastreams.create("PiTemperature"+SENSOR_ID, tags="temperature")
    return datastream

# main program entry point - runs continuously updating our datastream with the
# latest temperature reading
def run():
  feed = api.feeds.get(FEED_ID)

  datastream = get_datastream(feed)
  datastream.max_value = None
  datastream.min_value = None

  while True:
    degreesCelcius = read_temperature()
    datastream.current_value = degreesCelcius = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    except requests.HTTPError as e:
      print "HTTPError({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)




  • According to this bug report, you can work around this by removing your email address from the feed metadata:

    When I removed my e-mail address from the Feed Metadata (through the workbench) and re-ran api.feeds.get(FEED_ID) it worked just fine.

    However, when I look at the latest source code on github, I can see that email is supported:

    class Feed(Base):
        """Xively Feed, which can contain a number of Datastreams.
        :param title: A descriptive name for the feed
        :param description: A longer text description of the feed
        :param website: The URL of a website which is relevant to this feed e.g.
        home page
        :param email: A public contact email address for the provider of this feed
        :param tags: Tagged metadata about the environment (characters ' " and
        commas will be stripped out)
        :param location: :class:`.Location` object for this feed
        :param private: Whether the environment is private or not.
        :type private: bool
        >>> import xively
        >>> xively.Feed(title="Xively Office environment")
        VERSION = "1.0.0"
        # Set id and feed directly as they aren't part of state. By setting them on
        # the class they won't get entered into _data and will be set on the
        # instance itself.
        id = None
        feed = None
        _datastreams_manager = None
        def __init__(self, title, description=None, website=None, email=None,
        tags=None, location=None, private=None, datastreams=None):

    It seems this bug was only fixed recently (June 27th). Can you try pulling down the latest version of xively-python from github, and use that instead of the current version you have?