I'm currently building a PRISM 5 application in VB.NET by using the MVVM pattern, using the PRISM ViewModelLocator. The PRISM ViewmodelLocator requires all Views to implement the Microsoft.Practises.Prism.Mvvm.IView Interface. This interface contains only one property: DataContext.
As a View (which is a FrameworkElement) already has a property DataContext, in c# it is sufficient to add ": IView" behind the View class name without providing a new implementation for the DataContext property (implicit interface implementation). By magic, the ViewModel is then automatically wired to the View through the Datacontext property.
In VB.NET this is not possible, as you cannot do implicit interface implementations. When adding "Implements IView" at the top of the class, VB instructs to provide an implementation for the DataContext property. As the FrameworkElement already has a Datacontext property, VB automatically adds an implementation for a Datacontext1 property. Of course, wiring up ViewModel to View doesn't work. Below is my code:
Imports Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Mvvm
Namespace Views
Class MyWindow
Inherits Window
Implements IView
Public Property DataContext1 As Object Implements IView.DataContext
End Class
End Namespace
Imports Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Mvvm
Namespace ViewModels
Public Class MyWindowViewModel
Inherits BindableBase
Private mTheText As String = "This is the text."
Public Property TheText() As String
Return Me.mTheText
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
SetProperty(Of String)(Me.mTheText, value)
End Set
End Property
End Class
End Namespace
Is there a best practise around this?
Until now, all I found that seems to work is add this line to the constructor of my View:
Datacontext = Datacontext1
But I find this a very dirty solution.
Try with:
Public Shadows Property DataContext As Object Implements IView.DataContext
So your View would be:
Imports Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Mvvm
Namespace Views
Class MyWindow
Inherits Window
Implements IView
Public Shadows Property DataContext As Object Implements IView.DataContext
End Class
End Namespace
However, if you wish to retain the dependency property behavior, you may want to update the actual base class' DataContext
property in your new property's getter and setter.
You can find more information on this SO question.