I'm starting with itextsharp and wondering if there is any reason why if I set the font of a phrase after the construction it doesn't work. Is there any reason, do I miss something?
iTextSharp.text.Font f = PdfFontFactory.GetComic();
Color c = Color.DarkRed;
f.Size = 20;
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new System.IO.FileStream("PhraseTest.pdf", FileMode.Create));
Phrase titreFormules = new Phrase("Nos formules",f); //THIS WORKS
// titreFormules.Font = f; // THIS DOESN'T WORK!
This is documented in my book.
is an atomic part of text in the sense that all the text in a Chunk
has the same font family, font size, font color,...Phrase
is a collection of Chunk
objects and as such a Phrase
can contain different 'atoms' of text using different fonts.In your example "Nos formules"
will be written in Helvetica. You change the font after the Helvetica Chunk
with the text "Nos formules"
was added to the Phrase
.As you didn't add anything else to titreFormules
, the font "Comic" is never used.
This is also what I meant when I answered the question iText - PdfPTable doesn't show Cyrillic(Russian) symbols:
When you use
, you change the font of thePhrase
for all the content that is added after the font was set.