I'm trying to add a left hand margin to an NSAttributedString so that when I concatenate it with another NSAS, there is a bit of space between the two box frames.
All I have so far is this:
NSMutableAttributedString *issn = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:jm.issn attributes:nil];
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, [issn length]);
[issn addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName
value:[UIFont fontWithName:@"AvenirNext-Medium" size:8]
NSMutableAttributedString *textLabel = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithAttributedString:title];
[textLabel appendAttributedString:issn];
I want the margin on the left side of the second string.
Edit: image upload
Why not just use a tab character between the two strings?
You could do this by changing your first line to this:
NSMutableAttributedString *issn = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"\t%@", jm.issn] attributes:nil];
This should output something like like what you want. You may, however, want to add 2 \t
characters instead of one because depending on the string length, it may not need a tab character to align it (for example, in that exact string you posted, it didn't add anything to my output).
1 tab with your string:
2 tabs with your string: