I'd like to create a shortcut in sublime text that that does the following:
I am using R-box. This package has a python class RboxSendTextCommand that uses the command repl_send
external_id = self.view.scope_name(0).split(" ")[0].split(".", 1)[1]
self.view.window().run_command("repl_send", {"external_id": external_id, "text": cmd})
This throws the error "Cannot find REPL for `r`" when no REPL is opened. I have tried to modify it in
self.view.window().run_command("repl_send", {"external_id": external_id, "text": cmd})
self.view.window().run_command("run_existing_window_command",{"id": "repl_r", "file": "config/R/Main.sublime-menu"})
self.view.window().run_command("repl_send", {"external_id": external_id, "text": cmd})
self.view.window().run_command("repl_send", {"external_id": external_id, "text": cmd})
However the same error happens when no REPL R window is open. Would you know how to do it? I don't particular need to do that through the R-box script.
First of all, from SublimeREPL source code, if there is no REPL R running, it just print an error message. It won't throw any error. So try...except...
won't work here.
class ReplSend(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit, external_id, text, with_auto_postfix=True):
for rv in manager.find_repl(external_id):
sublime.error_message("Cannot find REPL for '{}'".format(external_id))
I don't know if there is a better way to do this. However, you can detect REPL R via its view name.
if App == "SublimeREPL":
external_id = self.view.scope_name(0).split(" ")[0].split(".", 1)[1]
current_window = self.view.window()
found = False
repl_name = "*REPL* [%s]" % external_id
for w in sublime.windows():
for v in w.views():
if v.name() == repl_name:
found = True
if not found:
current_window.run_command("run_existing_window_command",{"id": "repl_r", "file": "config/R/Main.sublime-menu"})
current_window.run_command("repl_send", {"external_id": external_id, "text": cmd})
Open REPL in a new window:
created_window = sublime.active_window()
created_window.run_command("run_existing_window_command",{"id": "repl_r", "file": "config/R/Main.sublime-menu"})