Search code examples

Getting ConstantExpression.Value when actual value wrapped into DisplayClass because of closure

Below is a simple demonstration code of my problem.

public class ExpressionTests
    public void TestParam()
        Search<Student>(s => s.Id == 1L);


    private void GetStudent(long id)
        Search<Student>(s => s.Id == id);

    private void Search<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter)
        var visitor = new MyExpressionVisitor();

public class MyExpressionVisitor : ExpressionVisitor
    protected override Expression VisitConstant(ConstantExpression node)
        Assert.AreEqual(1L, node.Value);
        return base.VisitConstant(node);

TestParam method causes VisitConstant to be invoked on two different paths:

1. TestParam -> Search -> VisitConstant

In this execution path constant expression (1L) passed to Search method is a real constant value. Here, everything is OK, assert succeeds as expected. When VisitConstant is invoked via first path node.Value.GetType() is Int64 and its .Value is 1L.

2. TestParam -> GetStudent -> Search -> VisitConstant

In this execution path constant expression (id: 1L), is taken by GetStudent as an argument and passed to Search method inside a closure.


The problem is on the second execution path. When VisitConstant is invoked via second path node.Value.GetType() is MyProject.Tests.ExpressionTests+<>c__DisplayClass0 and this class has a public field named id (same as GetStudent method's argument) which has the value of 1L.


How can I get id value in second path? I know about closures, what a DisplayClass is and why it is created at compile time etc. I am only interested in getting its field value. One thing I can think of is, via reflection. With something like below but it does not seem neat.


Bonus Problem

While playing with the code for gettting id value I changed VisitConstant method like below (which will not solve my problem though) and get an exception saying "'object' does not contain a definition for 'id'"

enter image description here

Bonus Question

As dynamics are resolved at runtime and DisplayClass is created at compile time, why cannot we access its fields with dynamic? While below code works, I expected that code would work too.

var st = new {Id = 1L};
object o = st;
dynamic dy = o;
Assert.AreEqual(1L, dy.Id);


  • Here is an article that explains how to do it, and includes code that does it. Basically, what you can do is to create an expression that represents just that subexpression, compile it to a delegate and then execute that delegate. (The article also explains how to identify subexpressions that can be evaluated, but I guess you're not interested in that.)

    Using the code from the article, modifying your code to the following will work:

    private void Search<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter)
        new MyExpressionVisitor().Visit(Evaluator.PartialEval(filter));

    As dynamics are resolved at runtime and DisplayClass is created at compile time, why cannot we access its fields with dynamic?

    Because that DisplayClass is a private class nested inside ExpressionTests, so code inside MyExpressionVisitor can't access its members.

    If you make MyExpressionVisitor a nested class inside ExpressionTests, dynamic will start working on the DisplayClass.

    Anonymous types don't behave this way, because they are not emitted as nested private types.