As far as I've tested it, this helper method works exactly as it's meant to, however I want to know if there is any easier, built-in, or smarter way to run this check! I also am aware that having this in the ApplicationHelper probably isn't ideal. Not sure if I should just put it in the parent object (the Inspection), some other model, or leave as is.
With is_model_empty?
I need to run through every field of any one of eleven different (but similar) models to check to see if all of them are Empty. All of them except the :id, :inspection_id, :created_at, and :updated_at fields which will never be blank. Empty can be nil, can be [], or can be ['']. An empty string would actually imply that the user entered something so that won't be included. The value can be either a string or an array so .empty?
won't work.
def is_model_empty?(model)
model.attributes.each do |k, v|
unless ['id', 'inspection_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'].include?(k)
return false unless v.nil? || v == [] || v == [""]
The eleven models all belong to the Inspection and each has a has_one
has_one :first_info_section
has_one :second_info_section
has_one :third_info_section
Any advice/feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks for reading!
Your method can be simplifed as an instance method on each of the models. If the attribute exceptions are the same for all the models you can create a shared library and include it each of the models.
module EmptyDetection
def empty?
attributes.all? do |k, v|
['id', 'inspection_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'].include?(k) || v.nil? || v == [] || v == [""]
Include that module in each model you want to be able to check for the empty conditions. For example, the Widget model:
class Widget < ActiveRecord::Base
include EmptyDetection
Now you can use it on any instance of a Widget:
widget = Widget.find(45)