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LyX 2.1.1 fails to compile knitr-manual.lyx

LyX 2.1.1 fails to compile knitr-manual.lyx and knitr-graphics.lyx as well (currently installed knitr version 1.6).

The error does not say much (i.e. LyX: Cannot convert file -- see screenshot). Could it be related to file-permission bits? How should I go about it?

enter image description here

Maybe of interest,



From the message pane, there is indeed an Error line:

12:28:16.235: Quitting from lines 93-93 (/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.gwIlgToM2017/lyx_tmpbuf1/knitr-graphics.Rnw) 
12:28:16.238: Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called 'Cairo'
12:28:16.241: Calls: knit ... tryCatch -> tryCatchList -> tryCatchOne -> <Anonymous>
12:28:16.247: Execution halted

No cairo? What does this mean in the contect of knitr and LyX/LaTeX?


  • R was missing the "Cairo" package. And the "tikzDevice" package as well. Installing those two, via

    install.packages("Cairo", dep = TRUE)
    install.packages("tikzDevice", dep = TRUE)

    resolved the issues. At least, there is no compilation error related to missing packages anymore.