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Deserialization using Datacontractserializer. Only the first object on the list is getting filled

I want to put the data I have in my Json file into the objects I have created, however it works only with the first part of the json file. In this case Batch.

I get all the data of Batch into my Batch object. However Crop, Sift and Parcel are empty.

What do I have to do to fill them?

Here is my class with objects.

public class Importer

    public List<Crop> Crop { get; set; }

    public List<Batch> Batch {get; set;}

    public List<Sift> Sift { get; set; }

    public List<Parcel> Parcel { get; set; }

My Json file.

    "Batch": [
        { "iID": 4, "sDescription": "Afbroei" },
        { "iID": 5, "sDescription": "Hij" }

    "Crop": [
        { "iID": 15, "sDescription": "Bloem" },
        { "iID": 16, "sDescription": "Bloem 222" },
        { "iID": 17, "sDescription": "TEST" }

    "Sift": [
        { "iID": 5, "sDescription": "8-9", "iBolSize": 8 },
        { "iID": 6, "sDescription": "12-13", "iBolSize": 12 }

    "Parcel": [ 
        { "iID": 3, "sDescription": "Hexapole", "sPlace": "Beverwijk", "sAddress": "", "sZipCode": "", "sPhoneNumber": "", "sInfo": "", "sEmail": "", "bActive": 1 }


My Deserialization code.

 public static void ImportDeSerializer()
 DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Importer));

        MemoryStream stream1 = new MemoryStream();

        using (FileStream file = new FileStream("D:/Projects/Hexateelt/ASP.NET_Hexateelt/Website/Imports/jsonImport.json", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))

            stream1.Position = 0;

        Importer import = (Importer)ser.ReadObject(stream1);


  • Add comma after each property in JSON object:

      "Batch": [
        { "iID": 4, "sDescription": "Afbroei" },
        { "iID": 5, "sDescription": "Hij" }
      "Crop": [
        { "iID": 15, "sDescription": "Bloem" },
        { "iID": 16, "sDescription": "Bloem 222" },
        { "iID": 17, "sDescription": "TEST" }
      "Sift": [
        { "iID": 5, "sDescription": "8-9", "iBolSize": 8 },
        { "iID": 6, "sDescription": "12-13", "iBolSize": 12 }
      "Parcel": [ 
        { "iID": 3, "sDescription": "Hexapole", "sPlace": "Beverwijk", "sAddress": "", "sZipCode": "", "sPhoneNumber": "", "sInfo": "", "sEmail": "", "bActive": 1 }