1st I opened a new Sharepoint App Project from the Book: Pro Sharepoint App Development (APress)
2nd. I went to my azure account, created a service bus namespace and copied the connection string http://screencast.com/t/G4w0EXeYYMdT
3rd I pasted that into visual studio http://screencast.com/t/8PXdt2QuTwAH
4th. I disabled firewall http://screencast.com/t/kqOlWxSZ9Hk
5th. I press F5 to deploy the App. I click then on Trust and then the Apps says there was an error, I close the browser window inside Visual Studio
After 30 seconds I get this:
@"Error 1
CorrelationId: 4f1a0952-1102-47c0-83f3-62f85952bdf9
ErrorDetail: The remote event receiver callout failed.
ErrorType: Transient
ErrorTypeName: Intermittent
ExceptionMessage: There was no endpoint listening at https://levalencia1.servicebus.windows.net/2772163249/415041792/obj/25b23141-8ec2-4982-9134-09f8d2c02620/AppEventReceiver.svc that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.
Source: Common
SourceName: Common App Deployment
Update 1: I cancelled my sharepoint online subscribtion 60 days ago, and when I reactivated it, I had to purchase the license again, however doing this made no difference. Please note I am just creating a blank app, sharepoint hosted or provider hosted, once I put to true the App Installed Event, the App is not deployed (when pressing F5) in Visual Studio.
The app shows an error on Site Contents, so I close the in-browser window and it says on the output the above message, I even recreated the developer site collection, I recreated the service bus namespace, I disabled firewall.
@"Error 1
CorrelationId: 06821605-2c94-4df6-9146-c934d1cca93d
ErrorDetail: The remote event receiver callout failed.
ErrorType: Transient
ErrorTypeName: Intermittent
ExceptionMessage: There was no endpoint listening at https://levalencia.servicebus.windows.net/2772163249/415041792/obj/25b23141-8ec2-4982-9134-09f8d2c02620/AppEventReceiver.svc that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.
Source: Common
SourceName: Common App Deployment
I also noticed in the output sharepoint tools window the following:
Cannot register AppEventReceiver.svc on Microsoft Azure Service Bus: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.
Use ACS auth, not SAS as auth for the service bus namespace as it seems to be completely broken for RER debugging.
If you don't have a namespace configured for this auth (seems like you can't create new ones with it), then use the Azure CLI cmdlet New-AzureSBNamespace -Name "NewNamespace" -Location "West Europe"