I'm trying to configure spiders created with slyd to use scrapy-elasticsearch, so I'm sending -d parameter=value
to configure it:
curl http://localhost:6800/schedule.json -d project=myproject -d spider=myspider -d setting=CLOSESPIDER_ITEMCOUNT=100 -d settings=ITEM_PIPELINE=scrapyelasticsearch.ElasticSearchPipeline -d setting=ELASTICSEARCH_SERVER=localhost -d setting=ELASTICSEARCH_PORT=9200 -d setting=ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX=scrapy -d setting=ELASTICSEARCH_TYPE=items -d setting=ELASTICSEARCH_UNIQ_KEY=url
This is the default configuration that should go into settings.py:
ELASTICSEARCH_SERVER = 'localhost' # If not 'localhost' prepend 'http://'
ELASTICSEARCH_PORT = 9200 # If port 80 leave blank
I haven't found a way to configure slyd to generate these settings automatically with each new spider, so I'm trying to pass the options as -d
arguments. scrapyd still runs the spiders but nothing gets saved to elasticsearch, the error log shows the following:
[Launcher,1900/stderr] /home/PORTIA/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scrapy/contrib/pipeline/__init__.py:21:
ScrapyDeprecationWarning: ITEM_PIPELINES defined as a list or a set is deprecated, switch to a dict
category=ScrapyDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1)
In new version of scrapy you have to define pipelines as dictionary like this
ITEM_PIPELINES = {'scrapyelasticsearch.ElasticSearchPipeline': 100}
You can do is making all spider in same project under spider folder, so that you can share your settings and pipelines