i'm trying to learn php/mysql.
inserting data into mysql works fine but inserting those with apostrophe is generating an error. i tried using mysql_real_escape_string, yet this doesn't work.
would appreciate any help.
include 'config.php';
echo "Connected <br />";
$auth = $_POST['author'];
$quo = $_POST['quote'];
$author = mysql_real_escape_string($auth);
$quote = mysql_real_escape_string($quo);
//inserting data
$sql="INSERT INTO Quotes (vauthor, cquotes)
VALUES ($author, $quote)";
if (!mysql_query($sql,$conn))
die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
echo "1 record added";
what am i doing wrong?
Your values are strings, they still need delimiters in the SQL statement, even after you've escaped them.
//inserting data
$sql="INSERT INTO Quotes (vauthor, cquotes)
VALUES ('$author', '$quote')";