I have a Hive UDF which is supposed to extract the device from an UA string. It uses the ua-parser library: https://github.com/tobie/ua-parser
The UDF is rather simple:
public class DeviceTypeExtractTest extends UDF{
private Text result = new Text();
private static final Parser uaParser;
static {
try {
uaParser = new Parser();
catch(IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not instantiate User-Agent parser.");
public Text evaluate( Text uaField){
if (uaField == null ) {
return null;
String uaString = uaField.toString();
Client client = uaParser.parse(uaString);
return result;
catch(Exception e)
return null;
And it works just fine when run on a small dataset.
create table categories(
cat string);
insert overwrite table categories select DEVICE_TYPE_EXTRACT(user_agent) from raw_logs;
However, when testing this on a larger dataset of over 10 million rows, I get this LeaseExpiredException on every attempt: http://pastebin.com/yK6Qmx6r
And my map and reduce processes remain stuck at 0% for hours. Note that if I take out this udf and use some internal Hive UDFs just for testing, this behavior does not take place.
I am running this on an Amazon EMR cluster with AMI version 2.4.5 (Hive and Hadoop 1.0.3).
I tried increasing the performance of the cluster by deploying better hardware, but I get the same problem with any hardware scenario.
Any ideas?
Okay, scratch that. It seems that after upgrading my instance, things started to move around but I was just not waiting long enough for the mapping to happen. And the LeaseExpiredError was actually thrown because of little ol' me when I was killing the processes.
Still, the parsing is taking an immense amount of time and I would love some suggestions to further optimize this UDF.