I am trying to write an ant target that will create a jar based on a bunch of java files and some properties files, but am having trouble including the properties files the way the project is set up currently.
These are the ant targets I have:
1 - Compile the java souce files from the "myjar.src" folder and put the resulting classes into a "myjar.classes" folder. Once this is done copy all non .java files from "myjar.src" to "myjar.classes".
2 - Create the jar using the "jar" command using basedir = ${myjar.classes} and tell it to include everything.
These are the ant targets I want:
1 - Compile the java souce files and put the resulting classes into a "myjar.classes" folder. Only .java files are included
2 - Create the jars using the "jar" command using basedir = ${myjar.classes.location} but also include the .properties and .xml files from "myjar.src."
The key difference is I want the properties and xml files from "myjar.src" to be included when I package up the classes in "myjar.classes" using basedir = ${myjar.classes} - How do I include these fies when they are not underneath "myjar.classes"?
This is the ant target I want to modify:
<CreateManifest title="myjar classes etc"/>
<include name="**"/>
The reason I am not just using a directory one level up for basedir is that none of the other jar creation calls in the project do that, and I am hesitant to change that for just this one. I did try to do that, but had trouble specifying the right directory. (There are other jars that use a similar directory structure, and I don't want to interfere with them either now or in the future.) I was just wondering if these is a better way to do this? Thanks very much.
I managed to figure this out from here: How to include file in Jar through Ant at specific location
This was my modified ant call in the end:
<CreateManifest title="myjar classes etc"/>
<include name="**"/>
<zipfileset dir="${myjar.src}"
includes="**/*.xml, **/*.properties, **/*.gif"
Notice the zipfileset tag.