I have created an application in which I am trying to show user's movement by animating marker position.
But comparing with Google map navigation, there is no continuity in rendering navigation.
Can anyone suggest a better approach? Thanks!
For continuity, I think you need to fetch regular location updates from location client by giving location request like this.
LocationRequest request = LocationRequest.create()
Then for smooth animation you can follow the approach Steve Benett mentioned. here
The last case you mentioned in the comment about the path. I also had the same issue in one of my app. I tried with gps route simulator app to mock a route. then comparing my app and google map, googlemap followed the correct road path while my app's marker was moving slightly shifted from road. Then I tried some tweaks with marker. Like this
mPositionMarker = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
.anchor(0.5f, 0.5f)
new LatLng(location.getLatitude(), location
This worked for me. This positioned my marker on same location as of google map. (Depends on the accuracy of location though).
Thanks for the answer here