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Is my iOS app work if it's base sdk is iOS 7 and downloaded to iOS 8 device?

I submitted my application to App Store and it will be released in 4-5 days. I used Xcode 5 and iOS 7 as Base SDK. What happens if an iPhone user downloaded my app to his iPhone with iOS 8? Does it still work as an iOS 7 app?

I try to run my app on Xcode 6 and iOS 8 simulator. And it's not working because some of the changes related to SDK methods.

Is it work exactly like an iOS 7 app, on iOS 8 device?

Thanks so much.


  • If you haven't used any super specific things it should work fine. It will be scaled on the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus though. You should update your app with new App Icon and Launch Screen Images and adjust your UI to the new sizes.