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ploting Gamma(Z) with maple

How do one plot the absolute value of the $|\Gamma(z)|$ with Maple? As in the WIKI figure:


  • The command plots:-complexplot3d is intended as a convenient way of obtaining such plots (using z instead of the plot3d command with x+I*y, and putting in the labels automatically).

    P := plots:-complexplot3d( abs(GAMMA(z)), z=-4-4*I..4+4*I,
                               view=[-4..4,-4..4,0..6], orientation=[-120,75] ):

    For some reason, the surface stored in structure P gets some blue color that overrides the shading scheme.


    enter image description here

    If we remove that COLOR substructure then the underlying shading scheme (which we could change in the original call, using the shading option) is revealed.


    enter image description here

    I will submit a bug report about that heavy-handed blue coloring.